Release #3 is out!

The third release of The Ground Gives Way is now out! As I mentioned earlier it has a lot of new stuff and fixes. Many things have come from feedback from players, so thank you very much everyone who have made suggestions/bug reports! The most significant changes are: New item category: rods. Cave levels. Better […]


In release 1-2 you could run in corridors by pressing space. In release #3 I have improved on this so that you can run anywhere. I have implemented this a bit differently from other roguelikes so I thought I’d explain why. Autorunning by Space You run just like in the previous releases by pressing space. […]

What’s Next?

The Ground Gives way has been out a little bit over a month now. It seems to be quite a lot of people enjoying the game and that makes me really happy! There are still a few issues of course so I thought I’d let you in on what I am planning to do next. […]

Release #2 is Now Out!

As I posted earlier, I felt an urgency to release an update to TGGW since there is a fundamental gameplay element that was missing due to a bug: enchanted items! The most notable changes in this release are: There are now enchanted items in the game! You can quickly restart a new game in the […]

A New Release is Approaching

I have almost finished a new release (Release #2) of The Ground Gives Way. I had initially planned to include more in this release but since I have discovered (and fixed) some pretty serious bugs in release #1, I want to get a new version out as soon as possible. The rest of the plans […]

The Manual is Out

So two weeks after the release, the manual is finally out. Currently you can browse it online, but I’m thinking about preparing an offline version for download if there is interest for it. The manual is pretty detailed and explains pretty much all the core mechanics in the game, and completely without spoilers. I haven’t […]