Release #7 is out!!

Finally! Release #7 is now out, nearly 7 months after the previous one. It has the most changes in TGGW in a new release so far. I really hope it will feel like a fun and fresh experience. You can download it here. I’m excited to hear what you think about this release! Quick “what’s […]

Some Delays…

Unfortunately I recently encountered a problem that requires me to re-write parts of the code (this is because the equipment comparison screen didn’t work correctly with the new mechanics) so I couldn’t release in the end of September as I planned. The re-writing is almost done now, but I need some time to test it […]

User Interface Changes

I’m really happy to announce that Release #7 is now finally nearly finished (most likely not more than in 2 weeks). This will be the biggest update to the game I’ve done so far (and the longest delay so far…). I will now enter a testing phase and make sure everything works as it should. […]